


Verispire provides confidentiality, data security, integrity for data and communication. Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements are signed to assure confidentiality. The agreements are signed with our clients and our employees.

  • 24*7 physical security
  • CCTV monitoring of workplace
  • Team segregation for different clients
  • Secured key less access
    • Data classification and classified access
    • Restricted access to printing and the Internet
    • Restricted USB access
    • Clean-desk policy
    • Third Party emails and chat disabled
    • Secured servers for data protection
    • Data transfer with clients through secured FTP login
    Export Control Regulations Verispire is aware about the Secrecy Order Program in the United States Patent and Trademark Office that provides a security procedure to prevent technical data in the patent application under the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR Parts 730-774) (The “EAR”). Verispire US office can process export control matter if the client needs assistance.