


The information on our website and the business we engage in, do not provide any legal advice and none of the information provided on our website should be considered to be legal advice. The information on the website is to be used for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Though our owners, partners, associates, or employees may be lawyers, for the purposes of our website and the business we are engaged in, Verispire Inc is not a law firm(s) or a lawyer(s). You should always obtain legal or other professional advice, appropriate to your own circumstances, before acting or relying on any service provided or content on this website. Use of this website, or the receipt of any information from Verispire or this website, is not intended to create, nor does it create, a solicitor-client relationship. Verispire is a consulting company providing technical services in the field of intellectual property. We are not engaged in any legal services on any matter. The information contained on the web site is provided by us in good faith, free of charge to visitors and represents a summary of our personal and professional experience of planning, launching and operating as an independent consultant. Verispire is committed to conducting all of business activities with excellence and integrity, ensuring the trust of our partners, customers, employees and business partners.

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