Prior Art Searching And Patentability Assessments

Prior Art Searching And Patentability Assessments

Prior Art Searching And Patentability Assessments

Prior art searching is performed to identify prior art that may be relevant to the patentability of a certain invention. This prior art is then assessed to determine whether the invention is patentable, and if so, whether a sufficient scope of protection exists to warrant the expenses associated with pursuing patent protection. In cases where the scope of protection is sufficient to support the preparation and filing of a patent application, the properly identified and assessed prior art may be submitted to the patent office (such as via an information disclosure statement), which strengthens the resulting patent by providing a presumption of validity over the submitted prior art. Properly identified and assessed prior art can also be used to ensure that an appropriate level of claim scope is submitted to the patent office to avoid unnecessary prior art based rejections and thereby expedite prosecution and reduce costs.

Verispire’s team includes experts with extensive and varied scientific and engineering backgrounds capable of performing patentability searches covering a wide range of technologies. Our enormous infrastructure and technical resources enable Verispire’s searchers to access databases of world-wide patent publications and non-patent literature to ensure identification of the most relevant prior art for use in our patentability assessments. Our patentability reports include citations of relevant sections of each prior art reference, analyses as to the relevant features disclosed or not disclosed, and conclusions as to the scope of available patent protection to enable our clients to easily and accurately determine the feasibility of preparing and filing patent applications