Invalidity/Validity Searching And Assessments

Invalidity/Validity Searching And Assessments

Invalidity/Validity Searching And Assessments

Validity/Invalidity searching is performed to identify prior art that may be relevant to the validity of claims of an issued patent and to otherwise determine a patent’s legal status. Prior art is assessed to determine whether the claimed features are disclosed by the prior art, which may invalidate the claims based on the patentability criteria of the relevant jurisdiction. Proper validity/invalidity assessments are vital to making appropriate business and legal decisions that involve IP, such as determining whether to enforce a patent via patent infringement litigation (or identifying defenses against an asserted patent), judging the feasibility of initiating an invalidity action, and assessing the value of a patent in the context of IP sales or licensing agreements.

Verispire’s team includes experts with extensive and varied scientific and engineering backgrounds capable of performing validity searches covering a wide range of technologies and of otherwise determining a patent’s legal status. Our enormous infrastructure and technical resources enable Verispire’s searchers to access databases of world-wide patent publications and non-patent literature to ensure identification of the most relevant prior art for use in our validity/invalidity assessments.

 Our validity reports include citations of relevant sections of each prior art reference, identification of relevant features disclosed or not disclosed including claim element by element analyses (such as in the form of claim charts comparing each claim element to a feature disclosed in a prior art reference), and conclusions of claim validity/invalidity to provide guidance on which our clients may rely to make important legal and business decisions.