IP Enforcement support

IP Enforcement support

IP Enforcement support

Verispire utilizes and blends resources from multiple communities, including science, engineering, industry, finance, and intellectual property, to provide a range of services relating to IP enforcement, such as in the contexts of post-grant proceedings in patent and trademark offices as well as IP infringement litigation in a variety of courts in North America, Europe and Asia. These diverse resources provide Verispire with the ability to offer many different types of IP enforcement support services that involve a combination of legal, technological, commercial, and financial elements. Because of the protracted nature of many IP enforcement related projects, we routinely form and assign teams of professionals, having backgrounds that are tailored to the issues involved in specific projects, in order to enhance workproduct quality, efficiency, and timeliness, and welcome our clients’ input in helping us to form those teams.

We offer a variety of support services to law firms and parties at all phases of post-grant proceedings and IP infringement litigation, including due diligence, discovery, motion filings, and court proceedings/trials. For example, Verispire supports due diligence efforts by providing validity, infringement, and other substantive technical analyses, and also conducts various types of corporate and commercial investigations including damages valuations. During discovery, we provide all levels of document management services, document review and mining services, and investigations into relevant corporate, commercial, legal, or financial issues, etc. Verispire also performs a variety of other services relevant to IP enforcement proceedings, such as supporting the preparation and filing of documents in relevant tribunals, researching various substantive and procedural issues, identifying experts and local counsel, and preparing exhibits for court proceedings. Verispire provides these services to help law firms and parties reduce costs and navigate the many challenges involved in post-grant proceedings and IP infringement litigation

Verispire provides due diligence support services to law firms and parties in the context of IP enforcement proceedings around the world. Combining teams of technical experts having extensive and varied scientific and engineering backgrounds with domestic IP advisors allows Verispire to provide validity, infringement, and other substantive technical analyses that are relevant to post-grant proceedings and IP infringement litigation. Some of these services are explained in detail herein with regard to searching and corresponding assessments, as well as IP analytics and commercialization. Verispire also routinely conducts various types of corporate investigations, such as to determine corporate activities in the context of jurisdictional determinations. Our resources also include teams of investigators trained to investigate commercial activities, such as to identify potentially infringing parties and products, estimated revenues generated from potentially infringing products, damages valuations, etc.